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Get closer to your

dream birth!


As birth psychologists, we provide counseling and support to families during pregnancy, birth, and babyhood. In particular, we specialize in repeat pregnancies after previous stressful or even traumatic birth experiences.

In which phase may we advise or accompany you?

You are also welcome to find out more about our offers for couples or your partner

Prepare for parenting and birth, process past stresses and build an early bond with your baby. Experience a period of personal development and growing together.

Childbirth brings excitement and insecurities. It is of great importance to start this experience strengthened and to be accompanied empathetically. After traumatic stress, we offer rapid support.

Processes birth experiences, overcomes fears. Strengthen the bond with your baby during this sensitive time. Use this phase for personal growth and as an opportunity to get to know each other even better as a family.

Ein Paar Hände, die die Füße und ein Herz eines Babys halten, symbolisch für Pränatalpsychologie und Geburtspsychologie.

Trauma Birth: Heal Your Birth Journey

This topic is particularly close to our hearts

Childbirth is an emotionally and physically demanding event. It requires a deep connection with one’s own body. If complications then occur, the woman is often alone with her pain. “The main thing is to be healthy,” they say. We want to change that. After a stressful birth experience, the focus should also be on mental injuries in order to psychologically work through traumatic experiences. This is exactly the work we dedicate ourselves to.

Start now to work through your stressful birth experience and prepare yourself holistically for your upcoming (dream) birth:

Eine Zeichnung eines Zweiges mit Blättern in Schwarz und Weiß.