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Birth Trauma Test for Partners

Fathers, the birth of your child is a moving and profound experience that shapes you in a similar way to the mother. It is a time full of happiness and joy, but it can also take on traumatic traits. Birth trauma can leave deep emotional scars and persist far beyond the day of birth. Often, after giving birth, you feel neglected and left alone with your emotions. Our offer of a free, anonymous and uncomplicated birth trauma test offers an initial assessment of whether birth trauma may be present. This is the first step in detecting and treating possible birth trauma.

Symptoms of birth trauma

If you experience symptoms such as recurring thoughts, nightmares or flashbacks after childbirth, avoid situations that remind you of childbirth, have negative feelings, or are easily irritable and jumpy, these may be signs of birth trauma.

Typical signs:

  • Recurring, intrusive memories of the birth experience
  • Nightmares or flashbacks related to childbirth
  • Avoidance of situations reminiscent of birth (places, people, TV shows)
  • Tension and anxiety at memories of childbirth
  • Negative feelings and thoughts about yourself since birth
  • Loss of interest and enjoyment in things that were previously important to you
  • Irritability, outbursts of anger
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia

Our offer: The free birth trauma test

With our user-friendly online test, we offer you an automated initial assessment of the probability of birth trauma around the clock. This test is based on the highly regarded and continuously developed questionnaire “City Birth Trauma Scale” (CityBiTS), which was developed and evaluated at the renowned City University in London . Our goal is to provide you with an anonymous and free way to check your individual risk and obtain important information. By using this well-established tool, you can gain valuable insights and better understand whether you may have birth trauma. We want to make sure that you get the best possible support and can keep an eye on your health.

The CityBiTS Questionnaire

The CityBiTS questionnaire comprehensively covers all relevant symptoms of birth trauma according to the current diagnostic criteria . After you have taken the test, you will receive an automated evaluation that will give you an initial assessment of how high the probability of birth trauma is in your specific case. The evaluation is based on a thorough analysis of your answers and takes into account many relevant factors in order to enable the most accurate assessment possible. It is important to note that this assessment is not a definitive diagnosis, but only serves as a first indication. If birth trauma is suspected, it is recommended to contact a psychological/medical professional to discuss a comprehensive evaluation and further treatment options.

Individual counselling for fathers on how to deal with birth trauma

Optionally, you can also benefit from our expertise as experienced birth psychologists and receive personal advice as well as a detailed evaluation of your results . We are available to answer your questions and provide you with valuable insights. All you have to do is provide your contact details at the end of the questionnaire . We look forward to supporting you and helping you with your concerns.

Confidential conversation and support

We will get in touch with you and after evaluating the questionnaire in a confidential conversation , you will receive support to process the possible trauma and to develop joy of life again.

Finding ways out of the crisis together

As experts in childbirth psychology counselling for families, we also specialise in supporting fathers after stressful birth experiences. In a protected setting, we will find out together how you can overcome the negative emotions and experience the birth of your child as an enrichment.

Gain clarity now – try it for free!

Clarity is the first step to improvement. Take the free birth trauma test for fathers and birth partners today to find out if birth trauma is likely to occur or not! It only takes about 10 minutes.

You’re doing something good for yourself, your baby and your family. We are always at your side as professional partners.

Let’s get started…

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